Displaying all articles tagged:

Soma Streat Food Park

  1. Deals
    Get a Free Pitcher of Beer at SoMa StrEat Food ParkIt’s a buy-one-get-one-free deal.
  2. Truckin’
    Celebrate ‘Rocktoberfest’ and Watch the Giants at SoMa StrEat FoodIt all goes down Thursday, October 18.
  3. TV Land
    Check Please! Slums It at the SoMa StrEat Food ParkIt was the kickoff of shooting of the show’s seventh season.
  4. Booze You Can Use
    Permanent Beer & Wine Truck Coming Next Month to SoMa StrEAT Food ParkIt will be called StrEAT Brew.
  5. Nightlife
    SoMa Streat Food Park to Open for Drunk Dining After MidnightThey’re starting a night market from midnight to 4 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.
  6. Beer Me
    SoMa Streat Food Park Now Has Booze
  7. Truckin’
    Really? Tres Launches a Taco TruckReally?
  8. Truckin’
    SoMa Streat Food Park Opens For BusinessOur first permanent food-truck pod!
  9. Truckin’
    SoMa Streat Food Park Launches Lunch Today, a Few Days EarlyAh, they’re quietly open for lunch ahead of schedule.
  10. Openings
    S.F.’s First Permanent Food-Truck Pod Opens June 6Covered seating! Oh my!
  11. Neighborhood Watch
    SoMa Streat Food Park Nears; a Wine Bar Pops Up at El Rio; and MoreAlso, a reader of Michael Bauer’s thinks the Pizza Place on Noriega is trying to screw them out of one percent extra in tips.
  12. Truckin’
    S.F.’s First Food-Truck Pod Breaks Ground
  13. Truckin’
    SoMa to Get StrEAT Food Park Next YearThey’re aiming for early 2012.