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Great Balls On Tires

  1. Booze News
    Liquor License Denied For Great Balls on Tires’ Brick and MortarPlans are soundly dashed to bring booze into a building that shelters and treats former Skid Row residents.
  2. Booze News
    Skid Row Weighs Liquor License For Great Balls on Tire’s DowntownThe neighborhood isn’t so sure a recovery housing complex and late-night restaurant selling hooch should share space.
  3. L.A. Diet
    Roy Choi Eats Korean BBQ With James Syhabout and Downs a Kush Cookie Before Bed“Every kitchen that I’m at, any kitchen, if there’s something coming off the stove, you can bet my spoon’s coming out of that.”
  4. Truckin’
    Figueroa Produce Brings Food Truck Lot to Highland ParkThe popular development should save a lot of Angelenos on a westward voyage every Tuesday.
  5. Truckin’
    NaanStop Food Truck Debuting at Santa Anita Food Truck FestivalBefore even launching, L.A’s next Indian truck has 500 Twitter followers and a winning place on the “punniest food truck poll.”
  6. The Gold Watch
    Ball Jokes Drive Jonathan Gold NutsThe L.A. Weekly asks for a moratorium on orb-shaped anatomy jokes.
  7. Truckin’
    !No Jodas! Truck Needs It Mouth Washed Out with JabónFirst came Pinches Tacos, now this.
  8. Truckin’
    Great Balls on Tires Launching with Average Puns That Are TiredFormer Comme Ca chef Michael David will contribute the first “guest ball.”