lettuce wars

America Finally Willing to Eat Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg’s time has finally come. Photo: Rob Lawson/Getty Images

Romaine is — or at least was — the undisputed king of lettuce, but the E. coli outbreak that took it off grocery store shelves last week was a major boon for its often overlooked rival, the almighty iceberg.

After the Centers for Disease Control banned all romaine last week, demand went through the roof for alternatives, and prices of iceberg and Boston lettuce skyrocketed by as much as 168 percent. Typically, a 24-count carton of iceberg goes for $16.56 to $20.85, but by November 26, the day the CDC eased its romaine warning, prices of iceberg had hit $44.35 to $45.65 per carton.

Iceberg: It’s still better than no lettuce at all!

America Finally Willing to Eat Iceberg Lettuce