
Get Ready for Avocado Oreos

The flavors Oreo thought were good enough to turn into a media image. Photo: Oreo

Oreo is a Jedi master of the gross-flavor mind game — it effortlessly convinces Americans the cookies they’re looking for are, in fact, a gimmicky, limited-time variety their tongues should forcefully protest. However, because Pumpkin Spice, Watermelon, Swedish Fish, and something called Rainbow Shure, Bert! can never be enough, it’s gone whole hog with its latest stunt. It’s now feeding fans experimental cookies they themselves conceived as part of the #MyOreoCreation contest (goal: outsourcing the next Oreo flavor, because Nabisco’s R&D team is clearly on empty by this point).

Fans have been proposing idiosyncratic, weird, or downright demented flavors using that hashtag since May, so Oreo execs decided to fully leverage this idea farm. The “best” ideas are being produced as real, actual cookies in extremely limited quantities — by which we mean a bag that gets mailed, along with a thank-you card, to whatever perpetrator suggested it.

The point is getting attention as much as properly testing future flavors, so the “prototypes” just so happen to match lots of the current gimmicky food trends. Oreo says that Coffee, Glazed Donut, Bacon, and — yep — Avocado have made obligatory appearances so far. There’s also the made-for-Instagram trio of Unicorn, Mermaid, and Millennial Pink, plus several others like Nut N’ Honey and Raspberry Danish that probably wouldn’t be that bad.

Oreo says it will keep “surprising” fans until July 14, so presumably any of these geniuses could be up next:

Get Ready for Avocado Oreos