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Mexico City Brewery Fools Trump Supporters Into Funding a Party

With a Donald Trump presidency looking less likely by the day, a brewery down in Mexico may have the last laugh when it comes to his proposed border wall. Cucapá, a popular craft-beer-maker in Mexicali, flew staff to L.A. to hawk what looked like T-shirts emblazoned with the nominee’s face and the phrase “I support Donald.”

Video shows plenty of Trump supporters along Venice Beach and Hollywood Boulevard stopping at Cucapá’s stand to pay $5, $7, even $10 for a shirt before police send the team packing for not having a permit. Little did buyers know, though, hot temperatures change the graphics, morphing the pro-Trump message into a spin on a juvenile Spanish-language putdown (“Donald el que lo lea,” or basically “If you read this, you’re Donald”) and adding a red clown nose to Trump’s face.

Cucapá’s team joked it’d be a funny stunt after hearing Trump’s notorious declaration that Mexico will “100 percent” pay for his wall — “they just don’t know it yet.” Founder Mario García says they decided, “Well, Donald Trump is gonna pay for our beers, even though he doesn’t know it yet.” They haven’t tallied up sales yet, but the end plan is to throw a big beer party in Mexico City later this month using their haul. Any leftovers will fund a cross-country beer giveaway so that every Mexican “gets a beer paid for by Donald Trump.”

Mexico City Brewery Fools Trump Supporters