The Fizz

Marin County Announces Summer-Long Soda Ban

Outlaw! Photo: PepsiCo

SFist reports that for the duration of June, July, and August, Marin County residents will encourage one another — gently, we hope, in a civic way — not to drink soda. Invites will go out for fizz-less picnics, birthday parties will be bereft of Coke, and Sprite-loathing brothers will turn against Sprite-loving brothers. That’s right: It’s no deposit, no return time. By structuring the summer soda ban as a temporary, nonbinding, and nonpunitive incentive, Marin County hopes to accomplish what New York mayor Michael Bloomberg’s defeated health code amendment could not, mostly by making life without soda really fun. They’ve even got a web page, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube contest, and then some to show you how fun it’s going to be. [SFist, Earlier]

Marin County Announces Summer-Long Soda Ban