Food Miles to Go Before We Sleep,

New Book Argues Global Food Supply Chain Is Cooler Than You Give It Credit For

Very local.
Very local.

The authors of a new book about the pitfalls of the local food movement drop the “five most-dangerous myths of the locavore philosophy” today at the Daily Beast. Pierre Desrochers and Hiroko Shimizu say community-supported agriculture programs cost more and don’t always deliver fine food, food miles are bunk, and hey, we built this city on rock and roll that old school, global food trade. Unmentioned in the article is that large and remote companies tend to be poorer environmental stewards and are likelier to inflict larger amounts of unhappiness by paying their workers less, or not at all. Of course, Desrochers and Shimizu’s book actually argues that our best chance at a non-cyborg and scorched future means Americans should eat globally and locally. Considering that, along with Dan Barber’s issues with “self-righteous vegetarians,” makes this summer seem a lot like high season for contrarians and food politics. [Daily Beast, Earlier]

New Book Argues Global Food Supply Chain Is Cooler Than You Give It Credit For