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The Organic Movement Behind the Queso Fundido

Otter Creek seasonal cheddar.
Otter Creek seasonal cheddar. Photo: Sky Full of Bacon

If you’ve been to the Logan Square Farmer’s Market you may have seen Otter Creek Farm’s seasonal organic cheddars from Wisconsin. We spotted them recently on the menu at Frontera Grill, too, being used in the queso fundido, and they’re in other places around town (you can buy them at Provenance). But to prove that there’s always way more behind a product at the farmers market than you could ever guess, Sky Full of Bacon, which is ourselves, has a new video about how that cheese is just the end product of an entire worldview and farmers’ movement— based on developing a form of organic farming which is more profitable (and thus keeps family farms going) and based on achieving productivity without a lot of chemicals (which is a good thing period). Watch it below. [Sky Full of Bacon]

The Organic Movement Behind the Queso Fundido