
Corbett Administration Moves Forward on Asset Tests for Food Stamps; Blue Bottle Coming to a Grocer Near You Soon

• Though it’s been modified and the limits have been increased, the Corbett administration is pushing forward on its controversial plan to impose an assets test on food stamp recipients. [Inquirer]

• Blue Bottle’s growth style is slow and steady, and it’s working out for them; look for a Blue Bottled drink to hit grocery stores sometime soon. [WSJ]

• Super Bowl Sunday poses an interesting issue for Indiana, which bans liquor sales on Sundays — not to mention all the other towns and counties with some kind of Sunday “blue law.” Better stock up! [AP via HuffPo]

• Some researchers are calling for sugar to be regulated just like alcohol and tobacco, claiming it causes just as many premature deaths. [LAT]

• For once, good news from the beef industry: The beef we eat today is more environmentally friendly than the stuff of 30 years ago. [Salt/NPR]

Corbett Administration Moves Forward on Asset Tests for Food Stamps; Blue Bottle