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Nobody Can Eat 32 Eggs in a Minute, Right?

Turns out competitive eater Takeru Kobayashi doesn’t just excel at wolfing down alarming numbers of hot dogs (even if he only now does so on rooftops) — his competitive consumption extends to eggs and milk, too. When the former Nathan’s hot-dog-eating champ stopped by the Sports Illustrated offices, he put back 32 boiled eggs in one minute, followed by a gallon of milk in nineteen seconds. To wash the eggs down, we guess. So, just an average breakfast. Kobs, if you’re still hungry for lunch, we can probably scrounge up a bunch of pickle and beer samples here at Grub Street HQ.

Kobayashi takes on eggs, milk and the SI Office [Sports Illustrated]

Nobody Can Eat 32 Eggs in a Minute, Right?