
Kevin Diedrich to Leave Burritt Room, Open His Own Bar

Photo: Russell Yip/Chron

Recently crowned Chronicle Bar Star Kevin Diedrich is leaving the Burritt Room, the bar he helped launch at the Crescent Hotel (417 Stockton Street) one year ago. SFoodie reports the news, saying that Kevin has a new project in the works that he can’t yet talk about, and his last day will be June 24. He’s staffed the Burritt Room with plenty of capable hands, including former Jardinière bar manager Brian MacGregor, so we’re sure the bar will continue to function just fine. [SFoodie, Earlier] Update: We just reached Kevin who says that before opening his own place he’s moving over to help open a new spot that’s coming in about a month, details TBA, but allegedly “exciting!”

Kevin Diedrich to Leave Burritt Room, Open His Own Bar