
Hey, Idiots! Manganaro’s Not Going Anywhere Yet

Hero-Boy next door.
Hero-Boy next door.

Manganaro’s Grosseria Italiana proprietress Seline Dell’Orto tells the Observer that she takes issue with an “idiot reporter” from The Wall Street Journal who wrote that the Italian institution plans to close, but she admits Yelp reviewers might have a point about her hostess skills: “I alienated a lot of people. I’ve said mean things. I’m not an angel, but I’m better than that. That’s why I’m crying. I can’t tell you how many nights I didn’t sleep over something I said to someone.” As for the rivalry with Hero-Boy next door: “It’s in the genes! Italians all have the jealousy and gloating and ‘I’m gonna fuck you’ gene.” [NYO]

Hey, Idiots! Manganaro’s Not Going Anywhere Yet