
Sotheby’s Auctions Vegetables; Shaved Ice on the Rise

• Sotheby’s will soon put crates of heirloom vegetables on the auction block. [WSJ]

• Shaved ice is the dessert du jour, popping up on menus across town from Telepan to Pulino’s. [NYP]

• The price of bacon is on the rise owing to an acute pork-belly shortage. [Des Moines Register]

• Ramadan is a difficult time for observant Muslim food vendors. [WSJ]

• A federal judge revoked the Department of Agriculture’s approval of genetically modified sugar beets on Friday, because the USDA didn’t study their effect on other food thoroughly enough. [Huffington Post]

• While working on Eat Pray Love, food stylist Susan Spungen had to prepare everything off-site and trek it to the set [T Magazine/NYT]

• Owing to a federal law, a convicted child molester in Rikers Island gets kosher meals from the rabbi of his choice. [NYP]

• A federal judge ruled last week that the Mets cannot ban a kosher-food company from selling food on the Sabbath. [NYDN]

• Baby boomers are much more interested in local, organic, and healthy foods now than they were twenty years ago. [Eatocracy/CNN]

Sotheby’s Auctions Vegetables; Shaved Ice on the Rise