
Five States Sue Over Asian Carp; Sara Lee Is Selling Bread Business

• Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota and Pennsylvania filed suit against the government to help prevent the spread of the Asian carp. [Crain’s]

• Sara Lee Corp, which is based in nearby Downers Grove, is hoping to sell off its bread business. [Crain’s]

• The recent death of thousands of Louisiana oysters may have been caused not by the Gulf oil spill, but by the gallons of fresh water that was pumped into estuaries afterward. [WSJ]

• New York Times food writer Kim Severson will soon take over the paper’s Atlanta bureau. [Twitter via NYO]

• Despite the adulation it inspires, raw milk may actually be put consumers at risk of disease. [Slate]

• Chile’s fishing industry is still reeling from this past fall’s earthquake. [WSJ]

• To promote their zero-calorie drink, Pepsi launched a revamped version of the company’s 1995 “Diner” ad, wherein Pepsi and Coke delivery drivers have a short-lived friendship. [AP]

Five States Sue Over Asian Carp; Sara Lee Is Selling Bread Business