
Nevada Smith’s Customers Fight Over Bartenders

Photo: Youngna Park

Nevada Smith’s patrons are just as crazy about their bartenders as they are about soccer. A group of customers is threatening to boycott the bar until owner Paddy McCarthy reinstates the two bartenders who were fired after authorities briefly shuttered the bar last week for serving minors. According to an online petition in support of the bartenders, “Nevadas [sic] has built its reputation and strong customer base through the hard work of the likes of two individuals in question.” But a McCarthy supporter claims the owner had no choice: “The court initially specified a number of conditions in order for the bar to be reopened (fairly standard practice for the court). These initially included the rule that all four barmen who were ticketed be fired!”

Trouble in Soccer Paradise [EV Grieve]
New York Gooners Forum

Nevada Smith’s Customers Fight Over Bartenders