The Other Critics

Everything is Made with Love at Edzo’s and Ceres’ Table

Edzo's patties on the griddle.
Edzo’s patties on the griddle. Photo: Chicagomatic

• Borrelli’s Cheap Eats review of Evanston’s Edzo’s Burger shop almost had us tearing up, so poignantly does it evoke burgers and fries made with dedicated, deliberate passion. This is a rave if ever we read one — so why just the three forks? Was it the too-thin cola milkshake? [Trib]

• The food at Giuseppe Scurato’s new place Ceres’ Table is also made with love, Tamarkin finds, suffused with a homey, familial vibe that elevates the bright flavors. A few dishes are overly dry, but they’re avoidable. And the desserts take it all to another level entirely. [TOC]

Everything is Made with Love at Edzo’s and Ceres’ Table