Off-Limits Mobile Food Map

In its quest for equal rights for mobile food vendors, Burrito Justice has published a couple of really interesting maps that show just how much space is off limits to taco trucks and other vendors, because of a city requirement that they operate at least 1,500 feet from schools.

The result is somewhat shocking, especially in the dense Mission District. It almost looks like more space is off-limits to these entrepreneurs than is available.

By comparison, BJ reported from the El Tonayense hearing that domestic abuse usually results in a stay-away order of 500 feet. In yesterday’s post, they report that pot clubs in San Francisco are restricted from opening within 500 to 1,000 feet of schools.

Currently, El Tonayense taco truck proprietor Ben Santana is fighting to keep his current spot at 19th and Harrison streets, where he’s been since before John O’Connell high school opened. Because he’s within 1,500 feet of the school, he’s been ordered to move, but he’s in negotiations with the school and Supervisor David Campos to come to a compromise.

[Image: Via Burrito Justice]

Off-Limits Mobile Food Map