
Good World Will Close Within a Week

Photo: Shanna Ravindra

Last year, Good World owner Annika Sundvick told us that though the bar would eventually close to make way for condos, it would likely last until fall of this year, and perhaps longer. Sadly, that won’t be the case. A manager has confirmed rumors that after about a decade of pouring, this Saturday will be the last regular night of business. After one last brunch service on Sunday, the owners will pack up the notoriously high bar stools and put them in storage in hopes of eventually finding another location. There will be one last hurrah, mostly for friends and family (though everyone is invited) next Tuesday. Sad. Hopefully the weather is nice enough for a good-bye cigarette on the back porch. In better news, the owners’ new place, White Slab Palace, will be serving a full dinner menu within two to three weeks.

Good World Will Close Within a Week