For Tom Colicchio, It’s A Diet Coke Thing

Watch the Oscars last night? If yes, then you may have noticed the Tom Colicchio Diet Coke ads that ran a few times. The spot was notable not just because of Colicchio’s shilling for Coca-Cola (as Leila of MenuPages:Boston puts it, “really, is this any more egregious than the endless product placement on Top Chef?”) but because of the way it skewers fine dining trends.

Specifically: Grant Achatz and Alinea, though Helen at MenuPages:Chicago, wonders if it came off as more come off as more out-of-touch than cutting. The video of the commercial is after the jump, so you can judge for yourselves.

Shilling or no shilling; outmoded or with-it, it’s pretty bananas that a noted chef is in a Coke commercial (seriously, can you imagine something like this happening ten, or even five years ago?). And at the very least, it’s far preferable to equating your brand with Obama, like some unnamed rival soda companies.

Tom Colicchio Shills, Swills Diet Coke [MP: Boston]
Tom Colicchio’s Diet Coke Commercial Digs into Alinea [MP: Chicago]
Alinea [MenuPages]
Alinea [Official Site]

For Tom Colicchio, It’s A Diet Coke Thing