MenuPages Gets A Facelift

Amidst all this Hope and Change and Inauguration and A New Day for America, you might have noticed that it is also A New Day For MenuPages. Mais oui, kids, the old orange-and-blue site design that’s been kicking around since MP launched lo these many years ago has now been nipped and tucked and modernized.

It’s evident here on the blog a little bit — a soothing blue header and a wider column size, the better to give you pretty pictures with — but if you really want to see the real pretty, check out the main listings site. Not only is there that hottie-boombalottie new Deco-era Paris logo and an ever-changing cast of Serge Bloch illustrations, the user interface has been streamlined and beautified. Specifically:

• The Find-a-Food search has been totally awesomeified. It’s easier to find (centrally located in the search box at the top) and you no longer have to painstakingly search area by area. Now if you’re looking for, say, carbonara, the engine will find you all the eggy, porky, carby goodness in our entire coverage area.

• Pick a restaurant. Any restaurant. Let’s say Hot Doug’s. On the left, you’ll find a list of similar restaurants - super helpful for when you’re thinking “I want something kind of like this, but maybe not exactly this.” Or when you’re thinking “Hot darn, I love this restaurant. What else is like it?”

• It’s easier than ever to browse our listings. Let’s say you’re looking for a vegetarian brunch to be delivered to you and your honey at home in Ukranian Village. Start by looking at our Ukranian Village restaurants (74 restaurants). Then, filter those by the ones that serve brunch (11 restaurants). If you look on the left side, you’ll be able to refine even further to those that deliver (down to two). Look on the left again for the cuisine designations: one is vegetarian-friendly (1 restaurant). Looks like you’ll be eating off that hangover with breakfast tacos and huevos verdes from Flo.

And that’s just the beginning! We’ll be rolling out more exciting changes to MenuPages over the course of the next few months. If at any point you’ve got any questions or you encounter any problems (these things don’t always run off without a hitch, after all), let us know!

MenuPages Gets A Facelift