Gourmet’s Ode To Scrapple

Gourmet.com has a lovely, nearly poetic, piece up about scrapple by Ian Knauer. He goes into details over the origins of scrapple, where it’s consumed, and how it’s made: nothing revolutionary if you grew up eating it, but an interesting article to see over at Gourmet. He recounts buying scrapple recently:I bought some last week from a Pennsylvania Dutch butcher shop called Baringer’s, and as the woman behind the counter wrapped my breakfast-to-be in paper, I cautiously asked her for the recipe. To my great surprise she eagerly rattled it off. About 200 pounds of meaty pork bones, about 75 pounds of meaty beef bones, some cheeks from each kind of animal, and so on, right down to buckwheat flour. Then she finished with a cheerful, “And you know it’s good!”

The question is, why don’t people blink at foie gras, but allow themselves to feel revulsion at dear old scrapple?

Scrapple: Pennsylvania Pate [Gourmet]

[Photo: Photograph by Shayla Hunter via Gourmet.com]


Gourmet’s Ode To Scrapple