Short Rib Showdown: L2O vs. Lockwood

For the time being (we like to be flexible about these things) our two favorite Chicago chefblogs are those of the team of L2O and that of Philip Foss, chef at Lockwood at the Palmer House. Both follow similar models of photo-anchored posts with glimpses into the process that goes into dish and menu creation, with occasional asides to wax rhapsodic over particular ingredients, seasons, or other bits and bobs of inspiration.

Today, synchronistically, both blogs talk about short ribs. As it turns out, it is not a topic on which there is too much to say that is highly original. So we give you a guessing game! Can you figure out which of these quotes is from L2O’s Laurent Gras, and which is from Lockwood’s Philip Foss? No cheating!

1. “When autumn enters and winter looms, slow braises as this serve to warm the soul when the bones are frigid.”

2. “Winter in Chicago seems to ask for more meat, especially braised. It just brings comfort and satisfies the appetite.”

3. “First we have seasoned the meat with sea salt and let it seat for 12 hours in a cooler. The salt maintain the natural pigmentation of the meat. Then we sear the meat and cool it down quickly. We marinate the meat with a small amount of wine and leave it for another 12 hours. The wine will flavor and tenderize the meat.”

4. “The short ribs are cut individually with the bone in and are bound with twine. They are seasoned with salt and coarse cracked black pepper and are seared to a deep brown. To give it a twist, … [we] cook the short ribs in a ‘mulled’ or spiced wine which would also speak to aromas typical of the season.”

5. “The short ribs are then added in and then topped off with hot demi-glace. The short ribs are braised in the oven until fork tender and can easily be removed from the bone if pried.”

6. “Lastly the meat is slowly cooked… The result offers a meat which is pink but that can be easily cut with a fork. Before being served the short rib is seared on a plancha and glazed with the sauce.”

Answers can be found after this mouthwatering picture of a short rib preparation from yet a third restaurant, Alinea.

1, 4, and 5 are Philip Foss. 2, 3, and 6 are Laurent Gras.

Short Rib, The Meat [L2O blog]
Short Ribs Braised in Red Wine and Autumn Aromas [Chef Philip Foss]
L.2O [MenuPages]
L.2O [Official Site]
Lockwood [MenuPages]
Lockwood [Official Site]

[Photo via janiceangstrom’s Flickr]


Short Rib Showdown: L2O vs. Lockwood