Good News, Philly! just published a story about America’s heaviest drinking cities, and guess what? Philly didn’t crack the top fifteen. Wait, what?

Yep, you read that correctly. Austin is the big winner, with a mix of likely (Milwaukee: a beer town if there ever was one) and unlikely (San Francisco: somehow, we don’t think of it as a drinking town) suspects rounding out the top ten. It seems strange though that Philly wouldn’t rank up there with the Milwaukees of the world - that is, until you read all the way to the end of the article.

Of course, just because a city ranks high on the list doesn’t make it a den of debauchery. A top-drinking town could be populated by health-conscious adults who sip a glass of wine a day in order to keep their hearts healthy.

Oh. All of a sudden, things have become quite clear. That doesn’t sound like us at all.

“America’s Hard-Drinking Cities” [Forbes]

[Photo: snacketeria/flickr]

Good News, Philly!