Sun-Times & Tribune: Ramps! Ramps Ramps Ramps!

Nothing gets a foodie excited like ramps in early April. The entire calendar of fresh produce is about to begin! That pungent little green leaf wakes us out of our winter hibernation and says: there will be a lightness to your step! And other enconia as well.

But really, it’s been a long winter of meat and brown, and we’re happy to hear word of the wild leek’s appearance in northern Illinois, as per this lovely article from Jennifer Olvera about how all this is playing out. Included: what chefs are doing with them, where you can buy them, recipes.

Otherwise, the food sections are what they are:

• Biodynamic vs. organic wines — especially, which wines are worth getting organic [Sun-Times]

• Andrew Zimmern of “Bizarre Foods” likes Manny’s corned beef [Sun-Times]

• Kendall College is launching a one week restaurant hospitality summer camp. Sounds…fun? [Sun-Times]

We’re hard-pressed to get inspired by the Tribune’s dining section today, but we’ll try harder:

• Everything you ever wanted to know about local meat purveyor Allen Brothers [Tribune]

• The Greater Midwestern Foodways Alliance people are back, and this time, they’re conferencing about the region’s desserts [Tribune]

• Bill Daley dissertates enjoyably but esoterically on petite sirah [Tribune]

• Something we had never heard of: filé powder, a Creole spice [Tribune]

[Photo: leeks emerging in Michigan, from Kim in MI]


Sun-Times & Tribune: Ramps! Ramps Ramps Ramps!