The Chronicle Over Coffee

As always, we’ll start your week off with a glance at the Chronicle’s food coverage over the weekend.

On Saturday, San Francisco Bay Area commercial crabbers decided to start their winter rush, after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger Thursday lifted a state-imposed ban on fishing in the Bay due to the Cosco-Busan oil spill. [Commercial crabbers agree to start annual scramble today]

Amanda Gold gives Les Amis a hopeful, but mixed, review Sunday after the downtown spot failed to fully bowl her over for dinner. [Les amis shows promise, but needs some fine-tuning]

Today’s “On the Job” section features a new employment niche; the personal chef, different from private chefs in that they only stop by once every week or two, fill your freezer with food, then go on to the next client. Sounds pretty great, eh? [Dinner goes Netflix — and affordable]

The Chronicle Over Coffee