Get Ready for Santa(s)

Wow, has it been this long already? What a year. It was really driven home to us after realizing that this Saturday is 2007 Santacon, one of those information-age phenomena, like flash mobs or something, that involves a bunch of people getting together quasi-spontaneously to do something weird.

Only in Santacon’s case, it’s no 200-strong pillow-fight–we’re talking a national event–and it’s no five-minute flash mob, either. This marathon goof-fest involves hundreds of nerds dressed in Santa Claus costumes, doing something like a 12-hour bar crawl through the city, storming into each place, making a scene, drinking a bunch, then moving on like a pack of red-velveted liquor-locusts.

So if that sounds like fun to you, you weirdo, check out the local sight, and gaze upon these photos from last year we pulled off of Flickr and various other places:

Here’s a late addition, below: A friend of MPSF in the 11th hour of last year’s festivities. She’s standing, but barely.

Get Ready for Santa(s)