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Biggest Truffle Yet Commands Record Price, Blah Blah Blah

Truffles don't come free, unless you're a famous chef.
Truffles don’t come free, unless you’re a famous chef.haha Photo: AFP/Getty Images

“This looks like the brain of a man … but it’s nice, very nice,” says Alfonso Iaccarrino, chef at the Lisboa Hotel in Micau, the new owner of the world’s biggest and most expensive white truffle, a 3.3-pound monster for which the hotel paid $330,000. That’s way out of proportion to the already insane low-double-digit figures being paid for previous giant truffles, but since there can apparently never be too much truffle coverage, it’s our grim duty to direct you to it. Grub Street is your source for truffle news on the march, even when they look like brains.

Giant Truffle Sold at Auction [Reuters]
Related: What Chef Rides the Truffle Train for Free?
Breaking: Another Freakish White Truffle Comes to Town
Have White Truffles Finally Gone Too Far?

Biggest Truffle Yet Commands Record Price, Blah Blah Blah