Stu Bykofsky Wants To Save Your Trans-Fats

Adorably old school Daily News columnist Stu Bykofsky is getting all up in arms about the trans-fat ban …and having to see fat girls in Spandex:

Here’s what I don’t want:I don’t want to eat trans fat.
I don’t want to smell cigarette smoke with my food.
I don’t want to see fat girls in Spandex.Here’s what I do want:I want government to make restaurants display the calories, fat and salt content in the food they serve, so I can make an informed choice.
I want government to make businesses post signs saying if they permit smoking or not. I will decide if I want to enter.
I want government to leave fat girls in Spandex alone. And fat guys in Speedos.

Preach it, you crazy libertarian codger. Because, after all, they are after our cheesesteaks. Except for banning the foie gras. That stuff is great.

Adorably old school Daily News columnist Stu Bykofsky is getting all up in arms about the trans-fat ban …and having to see fat girls in Spandex:

[Image via Philadelphia Daily News]


Stu Bykofsky Wants To Save Your Trans-Fats