The Week In (User) Reviews: A Motley Menagerie Of HodgePodge

Every Friday, we provide you with the best–and the worst–user reviews from the week. The following reviews are real, valid, submitted, unedited (except where marked) reviews from our various sites.

As many of you may know, we usually try to tie together our favorite good, bad and ugly user reviews with some type of loose theme. Unfortunately for our organizational attempts, there are many reviews that just cannot be categorized. Hence, this week’s collection of those non-sequitur gems.

First off, you know how much we love malapropisms…

No “place to be scene,” but great value

A couple more gems after the jump. Take the jump. Do it.

The food was something you could have gotten from a diner and the waitress was something you could have picked up in a diner parking lot.

A couple more gems after the jump. Take the jump. Do it.

Poor grammar always gets a smile:

Even though I and a friend we’re the only customers at about 6 p.m

We’re closing the book on this week’s edition with a something that makes you scratch your head, because it totally makes scary sense:

The tom kah gai is not worth ordering– it tasted like sunscreen mixed with chicken broth.
The Week In (User) Reviews: A Motley Menagerie Of HodgePodge