Viewing Pleasure: ‘Avalon Sunset’ @ Yolk

Sometimes (rarely), we put up something that doesn’t really appeal to us. Take this colorfully named chicken sandwich from Yolk. It’s composed of grilled chicken with bacon, avocado, tomato, and melted Swiss cheese on grilled sourdough bread, and it costs $9.49. Honestly, does this look like an almost ten dollar sandwich? We’ll preface this by acknowledging that we haven’t tried the above ourselves, but…the chicken is veiny, the bread looks like it’s from the grocery store, the tomatoes look mealy, the pickle seems practically fake, and the fruit appears to be institutional at best. The bacon and avocado seem fine, to be fair. But for $9.49, we’d want to be more visually impressed, and this looks like something we could do at home. Remember, these dishes cost $10 as well.

Yolk [MenuPages]
Yolk [Official Site]

[Photo: JOE M500/flickr]


Viewing Pleasure: ‘Avalon Sunset’ @ Yolk