Less Than Soigne

We have a confession. Even though the Snoop-Dogg-in-the-late-90s writing style rendered it almost unreadable at times and even though it frequently crossed the line from fun insider gossip to hyper-specific shoptalk and even though the author’s “come here/go away” act was tiresome, we were totally addicted to the short-lived Boston restaurant worker blog The Full Comp. The blog launched in March and quickly developed a rabid readership of Chowhounders, the reporters at the Herald, restaurant workers, and some of us who just liked to gawk. Juicy and profane as all get out, the blog quickly filled up with possibly-libelous, possibly-true accusations and gossip about some of the Hub’s hottest restaurateurs. The anonymous author (who went by the code name Super Soigne, which continually made us think of Marcel from the second season of Top Chef) filed one last very angry post about the operator of Eastern Standard and then took the site down. We were agog! We were at the edge of our seats! Had Super Soigne simply gotten bored with The Full Comp? Had someone finally threatened legal action? Most importantly, WHO WAS SUPER SOIGNE?

Less than a week after The Full Comp folded, Super Soigne has been identified. Well, probably. Although we had expected SS to be a minor restaurant figure we had never heard of, this is adamantly not the case. Gwen Butler, former general manager of Eastern Standard, and infamous recipient of a three million dollar tip during her time as a bartender at The Federalist. Butler’s outing of herself certainly makes this Full Comp post a little strange, no? Also strange: the fact that today’s Inside Track piece on the scandal took all their Butler quotes from the blog and not from an interview. Has anyone actually talked to Butler in person about her confession? Something tells us that this story is still developing…

the full comp–new boston industry-insider hilariawesomeness [Chowhound]
Not Quite “Full” Disclosure [Boston Herald]
I Wrote The Full Comp [I Am Super Soigne]
The Urban Fairy Tale [The Full Comp]
Now We Know: Butler Was Spilling The Beans On Defunct Foodie Blog [Boston Herald]


Less Than Soigne