Invasion Of The Purse Snatcher

According to the Tablehopper, the rash of purse thieveries has continued to grow worse. Purses are now vanishing quicker than the Attorney General’s memories. Here’s what our favorite investigative reporter has unearthed thus far:

She was all over the Mission: Andalu got hit, and she also got Tangerine, where she wandered in and said she was looking for a friend—after someone noticed their purse was stolen, members of the staff actually jumped in a car and tried to find her! They win the vigilante award so far. Both times purses were hanging on the backs of chairs. She also hit Regalito Rosticeria, where she was foiled by a waiter who sensed something was wrong and chased her out (she was with another African American woman while at Regalito). Another reader reported she stole a purse at Koh Samui & The Monkey, and proceeded to spend two grand at Bloomie’s with the credit card. And yet another reader’s purse was taken off the back of a chair at the Westfield Centre, so if it’s the same person, she was busy shopping and stealing all at once.

Also, several restaurants, including the Woodhouse Fish Company have reported that a woman matching the snatcher’s description has demanded refunds for fictitious take-out meals.

Watch your backs, ladies. And your purses.

The Chatterbox [Tablehopper]

Invasion Of The Purse Snatcher