Review Revue: Chicago Tribune

Phil Vettel swoons over Aigre Doux, an upscale globalized new American that opened a few months ago across the street from the Merchandise Mart. Citing flawless service, high end seasonal ingredients and dead-on desserts, Vettel is a happy camper. His only concern is that location, which has hosted a parade of failed restaurants in recent years. He writes, “but if we want to be the restaurant town we think we are, we have to support the efforts of small but serious independent restaurants, from our Copperblues to our Aigre Doux. That last phrase rhymes, by the way.” We share the sentiment, but “doux” (pronounced “due”) does not rhyme with copperblues.

Cheap Eats ventures up Broadway to Silver Seafood, where Bill Daley witnesses a righteous good time of families consuming crustaceans and slurping soups from a menu that includes high quality versions of standard Chinese fare in addition to the featured seafood. If you go, bring your Mandarin-English dictionary, or prepare to point.

Aigre Doux a sweet spot [Tribune]

Aigre Deux [MenuPages]

Aigre Deux [Official Site]

Food shines at Silver Seafood [Tribune]

Silver Seafood [MenuPages]


Review Revue: Chicago Tribune