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  1. Money Troubles
    Cake Shop Is Still Open But Needs to Raise $50K by Mid-JuneThey’re looking for investors.
  2. Crackdowns
    Culturefix Raided, AgainWe would love to know what exactly is going on on the Lower East Side.
  3. Truckin’
    Food Trucks Exiled to Staten IslandAnd Queens.
  4. Truckin’
    As Crackdowns Continue, Food Trucks Try to CopeSwitching to carts and staying off Twitter are two strategies.
  5. Temporary Closings
    Welcome to the Johnsons Is Latest LES-Crackdown VictimThe bar was reportedly busted on Friday night.
  6. Mediavore
    Brooklyn Street-Food Crackdown; Cracker Jack Still SellingPlus: The WWE takes on sommeliers, and the Empire Room hopes to lure locals to 34th Street, all in our morning news roundup.
  7. Crackdowns
    Papers Indicate Jane Ballroom Is Closed Owing to Permit ViolationsMaybe for Halloween we can all dress up as zombies and crawl the eerily abandoned hot spots of the West Village.