news you can booze

Elon Musk Warns He May Actually Release ‘Teslaquila’

Fresh off of alarming news about the ever worse-looking catastrophe that is climate change, Elon Musk has revealed another possible existential threat to humanity. He now claims that he will, in fact, release a tequila called “Teslaquila,” which sounds like it could be the Casamigos for people who talk in blustery platitudes about their apps.

Teslaquila started as a April Fools’ joke of Musk’s, but the company filed for an “intent to use” trademark for a “distilled agave liquor” on Monday. After that was reported, Musk responded on Twitter that “Teslaquila coming soon …” and shared a bottle design that looks like a prop from a new Judge Dredd remake. Branding a liquor after a car company seems like a terrible idea, but then Musk has made some, well, interesting judgments.

Is Musk jealous that the French invented space Champagne? And if so, why isn’t he trying to invent a space tequila so the one percent can really get wasted while cruising above Earth? Have some vision!

Elon Musk Warns He May Actually Release ‘Teslaquila’