A U.S. Marshal Pulled His Gun on a McDonald’s Cashier

Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

An impatient U.S. marshal tried to speed along his order at a Brooklyn McDonald’s this weekend by drawing his loaded service weapon and aiming it at various people in the store. As you might expect, police say it created a fair amount of chaos at the Bay Ridge location Saturday night.

According to the Post, off-duty deputy marshal Charles Brown stumbled in drunk and apparently got tired of waiting for his food, so he started “yelling,” then drew his gun and pointed it at the cashier before “wheeling around and training [it] on terrified customers,” including a man behind him in line who was trying to calm the situation.

Luckily, Brown’s order arrived before things escalated any further, so he grabbed his food, left, and got arrested. Give Medals of Valor to the workers who kept operating the grill and deep fryer while an unhinged officer waved a loaded gun.

A U.S. Marshal Pulled His Gun on a McDonald’s Cashier