
Iowa Restaurant Punishes Local Trump Voters With Extra Cover Charge

Trump backers have a word for this: Sad! Photo: Google

Well, here’s one way to get Trump supporters to take prejudice seriously: discriminate against them, like this restaurant in Iowa did this past weekend. Stella, a beer-and-burgers joint in the town of Iowa City, showed the Hawkeyes game on Saturday and decided to stick folks with a cover charge to get in.

Eric Stelter tells CBS 2 he and his wife tried to go in at halftime and were a little confused. “As we got closer to the door, we noticed there was a sign on the door that said, ‘Yes, this is discrimination, but you voted for it,’” he says. A bouncer was posted at the door to ask customers if they voted for Trump or Clinton. “If you voted for Trump,” Stelter explains, “you had to pay $10 to come in. If you voted for Hillary, it was $5 to come in.” He didn’t tell CBS 2 if they would’ve been out $10 or $20, but he and his wife decided not to go in either way.

Whatever laughs the sliding scale brought Stella’s staff, it may not outweigh the full internet offensive now targeting the restaurant. Its Facebook page has already taken enough of a beating to go offline, and its Yelp listing is in active “cleanup” mode to remove dozens of one-star reviews that make haha claims like “the bigotted owners charged me DOUBLE for having an american flag on my hat,” or read, in their entirety, “This place is run by clowns.”

Restaurant Punishes Trump Voters With Extra Cover Charge