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Watch a Woman Flip Out in a Police Station and Fling Sausage Everywhere

The day after Christmas, Lindsay McNamara walked into the lobby of a Massachusetts police station with a box of Dunkin’ Donuts (probably a bad omen already, if we’re honest) and informed the officer behind the pane, “I’m here to feed the pigs” — her setup to a grease-smeared fit of uncooked sausage and bacon slices. Those aching to see the actual stunt have been left to their their own imaginations until today, however, when the station released the footage. Note the bystander who instinctually and calmly reaches for his phone — he’s apparently the police reporter for the local paper — while the handcuffs come out and breakfast is ruined.

[MetroWest Daily]

Watch a Woman Flip Out in a Police Station and Fling Sausage Everywhere