Wedding Bells

300 Sandwiches Blogger Got Engaged With 43 Sandwiches Left

The happy couple.
The happy couple. Photo: Carly Otness/ NYC

In a stunning, surprise move, the guy who told his girlfriend he would propose to her only after she made him 300 outstanding sandwiches has popped the question, even though the official counter is only at 257. Our long sandwich nightmare — hers, too — is actually far from over: The fiancé is going to make sure she finishes the job she set out to do, in a move that’s definitely going to set the stage for the ultradreary third act of the romantic dramedy that’s invariably getting made about this whole ordeal, just as soon as the book comes out. [The Cut, Related]

300 Sandwiches Blogger Got Engaged With 43 Sandwiches Left