Good Cookies

Someone Paid $6,500 for a Box of Dominique Ansel’s Cookie Shots

That's $812.50 a pop.
That’s $812.50 a pop. Photo: Thomas Schauer

Echoing last year’s high bid of $14,000 for a dozen Cronuts, a special lot of eight of Dominique Ansel’s chocolate-chip-cookie shots last night rocketed to $6,500, or $812.50 per pastry. The auction was part of a fundraiser for City Harvest, a nonprofit that collects food to feed hungry New Yorkers. There’s even a video of Ansel himself taking a cookie shot with the lucky winners, who were no doubt thrilled that they didn’t have to queue up outside the Spring Street bakery. [Dominique Ansel/Twitter, Related]

Someone Paid $6,500 for a Box of Dominique Ansel’s Cookie Shots