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Watch the Trailer for Clam Kings, a Bivalve TV Show That Should Be Real

Part of public TV station Thirteen’s attempts to wean the American public off the cavalcade of nonsense packaged under titles like Breaking Amish and Storage Wars recently extended to a subway poster campaign for fake shows like Married to a Mime and The Dillionaire. Those were only posters, however, and now Thirteen has gotten around to making some ridiculous trailers. Call us biased, but Clam Kings, the adrenaline- (and brackish water–) soaked saga of two competitive quahog diggers, actually looks good.

Clam Kings Trailer [YouTube via USAT]
Earlier: A Guide to Buying, Shucking, and Eating Clams

Watch the Trailer for Clam Kings, a Bivalve TV Show That Should Be Real