Soy Annoying

Chipotle Introducing Tofu Burritos

Tastes like chicken?
Tastes like chicken? Photo: Courtesy of Chipotle

In an attempt to overshadow the news of its Twitter breakdown this weekend, Chipotle has announced the expanded testing of a new “Sofritas” burrito filling, with “shredded tofu braised with chipotle chilis, roasted poblanos, and a blend of aromatic spices.” The company is introducing organic, non-GMO tofu across the West Coast throughout July, and then will consider serving it across the country this fall. One blogger describes a Sofritas burrito as looking “wet and squishy” and tasting “overwhelmingly salty” and “peppery and spicy,” but it doesn’t seem like Chipotle will have a problem if it’s a flop: The company’s shares jumped 8.5 percent yesterday. [Earlier, Businessweek, YumSugar, NYP]

Chipotle Introducing Tofu Burritos