
Bigfoot West Going Back To The Eighties

Back to the Eighties
Back to the Eighties Photo: Bablu121/Flickr

Break out your Izods and jelly bracelets, homesteaks, because Bigfoot West is going back to the marvy “Me Decade” at an Eighties party this Thursday night. Starting at 9:00 P.M., anyone who really remembers the decade will be in bed the bar is asking guests to come in their 1980’s best, with $100 bucks in Bigfoot credit going to categories like “best eighties rock star” (male and female) and “best overall eighties look.” Just remember to use your cellphone at your own risk, lest you mess up the entire space-time continuum. 10939 Venice Blvd.

Bigfoot West Going Back To The Eighties