
Travel the Tamale Trail From Mississippi to Chicago With Blogger

Tamales and they're red hot.
Tamales and they’re red hot. Photo: courtesy Titus Ruscitti

When being feted and fed in the world of fine dining grows too much for us, we have a number of food blogs outside the world of food buzz that we turn to for humble-food sustenance. Today, what better way to ease out on Friday afternoon than by joining Titus Ruscitti at Smokin’ Chokin’ and Chowing With the King for a colorful trip along the Tamale Trail. Tamales, as you may know from your Robert Johnson listening, are a classic Mississippi Delta food, despite the fact that there aren’t really Mexicans in that area to speak of, or at least weren’t in the 1920s. Nevertheless, tamales, as a classic poor people’s food, developed a unique style and place in the culture which the Southern Foodways Alliance has devoted an entire site to. But what do they have to do with Chicago? Everything: everything that developed in the Delta sooner or later came up by train to Chicago, whether it was blues or barbecue or tamales. Dr. Peter Engler at LTHForum reported on a true Delta tamale sighting a few years ago here. Check it all out, and then get yourself some— they’re red hot! [Smokin’ Chokin’ and Chowing With the King]

Travel the Tamale Trail From Mississippi to Chicago With Blogger