
Next Tease Gearing Up Again For El Bulli; Achatz Movie Deal Signed

Photo: courtesy Next

The Next Tease geared up yesterday when chef Dave Beran again tweeted a fuzzy picture of the menu for Next: El Bulli. To be honest, there doesn’t seem to be quite as much hysteria this time, partly because the concept doesn’t seem as universally curiosity-provoking as Childhood and partly because we’re already resigned to not being able to snag a ticket for the menu with the tightest supply yet. Still, we’re sure Nextologists are hard at work, deciphering the menu. The most interesting part may well be that the menu starts with a cocktail and then goes to snacks before… something ending in “-os.” (Pintxos, we assume.)

Meanwhile, Grant Achatz had another one of those interviews with Dish where he forecasts his future, which usually are more useful as a tour of the latest what-if ideas spinning around his head (like the recent one about hiding the food under a pile of leaves) than as a practical guide to something that might actually happen. But this one is focused on the near future, and we could believe what’s in it, including a second Aviary (“We don’t want to open another Alinea or another Next. They are hard to replicate. You can put an Aviary anywhere in the world and produce the same products, essentially because it’s spirits”), the possibility of a TV program (“Everybody that’s come to us thus far wants scripted reality. They want Gordon Ramsay yelling at somebody”) and perhaps most interestingly of all, the news that Achatz has finally signed a contract for the long-rumored movie version of his story (no, there’s no casting rumors or anything else like that yet, though if we were Ethan Hawke, we’d be brushing up on our molecular gastronomy right about now).

Next Tease Gearing Up Again For El Bulli; Achatz Movie Deal Signed