
Liquor Store Owners Mixed on Boxing Day Ruling; Beware of Grease Burns

• Apparently not all liquor-store owners in Massachusetts are delighted with Deval Patrick’s decision to allow them to operate on December 26. [BBJ]

• Those disposable aluminum pans that seem so handy for roasting birds can tip or rip very easily, causing serious grease burns. Beware! [NPR]

• Countries like the U.S. and U.K. that have less stringent regulations on business tend to have higher obesity rates, while more regulated nations such as Norway and Japan have thin populations. Do we really think there’s such a thing as “Big Food” in Scandanavia? [HuffPo]

• And the end-of-year trend lists don’t stop: Over at Nation’s Restaurant News, Bret Thorn says we’ll all be munching on bananas Foster and pistachios in 2012. Cough, random, cough. [NRN]

• This holiday season, more and more food retailers are shipping everything from bacon to live lobsters all over the country, and it causes a few logistical challenges. [WSJ]

• Did you know Chinese cheese is a thing? It’s from the Yunnan province and it’s called rubing, with a firm, silky texture like tofu (or paneer). [Food Republic]

Liquor Store Owners Mixed on Boxing Day Ruling; Beware of Grease Burns