Wiped Out

Starbucks Says No More Free Toilet-cinos

This kinda stinks.
This kinda stinks.

It looks like the glory days of free “squatting” at any of Starbucks’s 190 New York locations is coming to an end. According to the Post, ‘bucks has “been steadily closing some of its restrooms.” To the horror of small bladders and tourists everywhere, they just don’t want to be Manhattan’s “public bathroom” anymore. The change comes because Starbucks’s employees need easier access to the WCs themselves, provoking employee-only bathrooms like the one on 45th Street and Sixth Avenue. However, legally, any restaurant with more than nineteen seats needs a public restroom, which leaves just a few big locations with guaranteed open-door policies. [NYP]

Starbucks Says No More Free Toilet-cinos