
S.M. Farmers Market Donates Food to Occupy L.A.; Authorities Went Overboard in Raw Milk Sting

• A large supply of food was donated to the Occupy L.A. movement by the Santa Monica Farmer’s Market, Firedoglake’s Occupy Supply Fund, and even a bacon-wrapped hot dog vendor. [LA Figa]

• It’s cosmopolitan: Binge drinking for the ladies is on the rise, and shows like Mad Men and Sex & the City don’t help. [NYDN]

• The L.A. Sheriff’s Department is using marijuana-laced sweets, seized from medical marijuana facilities in raids, to scare parents into believing pot-laced candy will be given to their kids this year on Halloween. [KABC]

• After dedicating hundreds of hours to surveillance to bust a Ventura farmer and a Venice store selling raw dairy, authorities admit they might have taken things a little “too far.” Yeah, ya think?! [LAT]

• Nancy Luna reports that another O.C. Umami Burger will be opened in Downtown Anaheim. [OCR]

• Remember Dr. Pepper-flavored Lip Smackers? Well, the company’s latest lip-gloss innovations are flavored like Girl Scout cookies. So anyone who kisses you will feel like they’re smooching a schoolgirl? [NYDN]

• Jamba Juice and Jack in the Box are the latest chains to test out Google Wallet, which lets customers pay with smartphones. [NRN]

• As soon as you start dieting, your body freaks out and goes into “empty gas tank” mode — and new research suggests it stays that way for a year after normal eating is resumed. [NPR]

• Monsanto has a new genetically modified sweet corn (not labeled as such), and opponents are petitioning grocers and food processors to ban it. [Reuters]

S.M. Farmers Market Donates Food to Occupy L.A.; Authorities Went Overboard in