Hot Dogs

Town of Cicero Spends $120,000 on Hot Dogs

Photo: courtesy of Facebook

Here’s a story that manages to perfectly combine two of Chicago’s favorite things: hot dogs and political corruption. Officials from the town of Cicero have reportedly spent nearly $120,000 over the past six years at Chicago’s Dog Stop, according to the Sun-Times. While it’s totally possible that Dog Stop serves a great hot dog and that officials simply preferred eating there instead of at one of the dozen or so stands in their own town, one of the owners just happens to be on Cicero’s town board. Also, $26,000 of that total had been classified as TIF money, which is supposed to be used for redevelopment. Something is definitely fishy, but all this talk oddly just makes us want to try Dog Stop. Anyone been there before? [Sun-Times]

Town of Cicero Spends $120,000 on Hot Dogs