Marketing Gimmicks

Ex-Google Chefs Making Boil-In-Bag Meals for Burning Man

Cohen and Keller.
Cohen and Keller. Photo: Courtesy of Gastronaut

The Journal sure does love former Google chefs-turned-corporate-caterers Gastronaut (Nate Keller and Mirit Cohen). The paper wrote about the couple and their burgeoning business last December, and now here they are again on the WSJ’s Venture Capital Dispatch blog, being lauded because they now deliver 500 meals a day to busy executives at Twitter, Yelp, Grockit and elsewhere. They’re also big Burners, we now learn, and this year they’ll be selling pre-packaged meal pouch things for folks headed to the playa. “Your drop it in boiling water, you have a healthy meal and when you’re done you have warm water you can shower with,” says Cohen. We think they’re already bartering artisanal cocktails out there, so this is just the logical next step.

Ex-Google Chefs Seeing More Appetite For Gastronaut [WSJ]

Ex-Google Chefs Making Boil-In-Bag Meals for Burning Man